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Gifted Awareness Week 2022


We celebrated like minds this Gifted Awareness Week with fun-filled Whānau Nights up and down the country. In Auckland North, we were fortunate to welcomeNanogirl, Dr Michelle Dickinson, one of our Board members, who shared her superpower of taking things apart. Check out the fabulous Airzooka experiment you can see below here!


The Rotorua Unit's Whānau Night was a fabulous evening with lots of whānau, friends and supporters chatting and connecting with each other, along with some awesome collaboration in our like-minded zones. We saw the results of some wonderful creative thinking for our "design a t-shirt" task. Many thanks to all those who came along for such a fun and enjoyable event!


The Hutt Unit's Whānau Night was an amazing event. It was very appropriately held on the eve of our Matariki holiday because one aspect of Matariki is about spending time with whanau and friends - and that is what we did.

Over 100 people attended - including teachers, grandparents, parents and kids. We explored our like-mindedness through an activity that involved everyone choosing to join a group that they felt most aligned with. So our scientists, mathematicians, public speakers, gardeners, musicians, avid readers, historians, artists and performers found their tribes and worked together to contribute to a NUTS (News Under The Sea) broadcast. It was a triumph of enthusiasm, talent and collaboration.

Christchurch and Lincoln

At our Christchurch unit, the evening buzzed with like-mind connections. It was wonderful to see such a fantastic turn out from all those partnering with us to enhancing the learning experiences of our magnificent MindPlus students. Thank you everyone for your contribution.


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