Welcome to another great year with Gifted NEX. Collectively, we are your gifted support crew and we are looking forward to learning and connecting across the year ahead.
What is Gifted Nex?
Gifted NEX is our network of teachers of gifted learners, including teachers from early childhood to tertiary settings as well as those in leadership positions such as RTLBs, SENCOs, LSCs and senior leaders.
We are here to connect with each other as well as to learn from and with each other, all in the interests of our gifted learners. It’s free to join and our Gifted NEX Cafe and Spotlight on Practice Day sessions are free to come along to as well. NZCGE runs the network. We support gifted learners, their whānau and their teachers and schools with our MindPlus programmes for Y2 - 10 students. The MindPlus programme can be run by primary, intermediate and secondary schools themselves with our support, or students can work with our teachers at one of our physical units or online. Check out our range of programmes here.
What’s coming up
We have a busy year planned out for you all, with more of our popular Gifted NEX Cafe sessions, another Spotlight on Practice Day in July, and a new course launching soon!
Gifted NEX Cafe Sessions
Gifted NEX Cafe Sessions will run online on Wednesday afternoons from 4 - 4.45. These are a great way to connect with like-minded teachers and leaders and to talk through the big issues affecting our mahi with gifted learners. Each has a panel discussion along with plenty of time for discussion and Q&A. Here’s our plan for the year: All sessions run on Wednesdays from 4 - 4:45pm. Wednesday 15 March Gifted Kids - Who Are They? Wednesday 5 April How Do Gifted Kids Hide? Which learners might we be missing? Wednesday 3 May How To Feed Gifted Minds Wednesday 7 June Fun Ideas For Gifted Awareness Week Wednesday 2 August Gifted Kids & BIG Emotions Wednesday 6 September Kids With Multiple Neurodiversities Working with "twice exceptional learners" Wednesday 11 October Transitions With Gifted Kids Supporting gifted kids to the next level of learning We've made it easy! You can register now for all or any of these sessions and we'll remind you the week before, throughout the year. Click the button below to select which sessions you want to attend in 2023.
Gifted NEX Spotlight on Practice Day
Gifted NEX Spotlight on Practice Day will be on Wednesday 5 July (in the mid-year break). We'll be showcasing a wide range of practitioners from around Aotearoa who are doing awesome mahi with their gifted kids and have ideas and insights to inspire us all. Dip in over the day for what looks good to you! Registration will open in Term Two and will be in our Term Two Newsletter.
Introducing Gifted 101
And introducing Gifted 101- coming mid-year! This free online course will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to gifted education designed for use whatever your role and whatever level learners you work with. With a completion certificate awarded at the end, Gifted 101 will comprise short, sharp modules of learning you can dive into in your own time, at your own pace. We will focus on getting the basics right, with clear and practical advice and strategies for you to pick-up-and-go with.
It will cover topics like:
Who are gifted learners and how do we recognise them?
How do we work with twice exceptional learners - students with multiple neurodiversities?
What do we do with our gifted learners? And how do we make that work in busy classrooms and schools?
How do we get more support for our gifted learners?